Here is this weeks Bible study for your growth and enjoyment. Trust that it will be a blessing and benefit to us as a church.
Pray before you start, that God will reveal himself to you.
Read: Romans 1:8-14
~ What does it mean to you to be part of our church family?
~ What are your priorities in terms of this?
~ How much time and effort to you put into being a meaningful part of this family?
~ What does Romans teach you about the importance of your church friendships?
We are all aware of the need and importance real meaningful relationships with our church family. Many relationships have suffered over this time through the difficulties of the past year. Being part of a church involves being an active part of a real community of fellow believers. It is our divine duty and our spiritual obligation to love, bear with one another, and care for each other as we share in life together. Right relations show that the gospel of Jesus Christ has taken hold of you and bearing fruit in our church.
~ How has the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ improved your connection with others?
~ Note Paul’s attitude and actions towards the Romans in his greeting to them, as an example of what is needed from us in our relations.
~ What are some reasons Paul longs to visit the church in Rome and what’s his goal?
~ List what you are thankful for as you think of your people at Mt View (Vs. 8).
~ We are saved by grace through faith in Jesus for the forgiveness of sins. How does this good news affect the way you treat others who may have wronged you or you have wronged?
~ Who are you praying for? List them with their specific needs and wait for an answer to prayer (9-10).
~ Cultivate a concern and interest in others by asking “How can I pray for you?”
~ What can you do for someone to encourage them in their walk with the Lord? (Vs 11-12)
~ Who can you connect with to nurture that relationship in a meaningful way? (Vs 13) Find ways to meet with and engage with others.
~ What fruitful harvest- real heart change is needed in your life to see heart change in others? (Vs 14) Plan and intentionally work towards that end goal in the hope of seeing a great harvest for the Lord.
Romans 1 teaches us the importance of our relationships that have come under tremendous pressure in last year and which require even more effort and being intentional than ever before. It is our divine duty and our spiritual obligation to love and care for one another.
~ Take time to reflect on the personal implications of this week’s passage for your own life and your walk with the Lord.
~ Pray for your church family, for a spirit of unity, love and care for one another. Take a moment to ask for the Lord’s help as you continue in this study of Romans.
“We see in this opening greeting from Paul to the church in Rome how the good news of Jesus functions as the centrepiece for the Christian’s devotional life and evangelistic mission. The gospel is not just the power for salvation at conversion but the power that sustains the whole of the Christian life [including our relationships].” (Jared Wilson)